
Beginner Actor

Discord icon victimvideo

Jason Brady - Victimvideo is an artist, animator, and voice actor. He uses his skills in both areas to bring characters to life through acting and art. He has been acting on stage from the age of seven, performing numerous plays across Ireland in competitions. In this project, he plays Mona.

[Thank you to the production for letting me be part of the cast, It's been an honour to join such a vibrant project with so many other fantastic actors. I really enjoyed playing this character! I was inspired by her conviction- if Mona doesn't like you, you'll know! As someone who's a bit of a doormat, I always find it fun to potray a character that is so different from me. I hope you enjoy Voices Of Wynn! It was a blast working on it.]


Mona in Aldorei's Secret Part II
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