New version and a little event
Newly voiced quests
- The Feathers Fly Part 1
- Lexdale Witch Trials
- The Bigger Picture
- Lost Soles
- Beneath the Depths
- Lazarus Pit
- Order of the Grook
- Corrupted Betrayal
- Death Whistle
- Grand Youth.
With the most recent Wynncraft updates, some typos were fixed in the Corrupted Village and the Recover the Past quests, so if you find a line that doesn't play there (or anywhere else as always) report it on our Discord server, so we can fix it.
A tiny event with this kind of bug. If you find a Seaskipper dialogue or a Talking Mushroom line that is not playing, you will get 10 LE. (Paying a maximum of 60 LE; if more than 6 lines are found, then you will not be rewarded for them. We will update these release notes with how many prices are still redeemable).
Note about the Seaskipper: The first line encountered when you travel using Seaskipper doesn't count, nor does the arriving dialogue or dialogue that happens when you interact with the NPC. NOTE about the Talking Mushroom: We are aware of the line where the talking mushroom talks to the ??? in the silent expanse so that line doesn't count either.
To submit a missing line, send a private message to kmaxi#5845 or send a message in the #bugs-and-suggestions channel on our Discord server. Include what line doesn't play, where or what it triggers and include your game log. This you can find in your .minecraft/logs and it is at the bottom called latest.txt.
Lines found
- Talking Mushroom at the tower of ascension
Reported by Shamayim - [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: So, I noticed I've been getting less human customers recently. It's been worryin' me, I mean I'm not aware of any competitors
Reported by Frigiduck - [1/4] Seaskipper Captain: Hey Soldier, le' me tell ya a real good piece of advice
Reported by FateSpoiled