Voices of Wynn 1.5 for Wynncraft 2.0.3
Wynncraft 2.0.3 update went live a few days ago and the new loot-running system broke some things within our mod, meaning that no lines could be played.
This encouraged us to release this new version and make it not only a patch of this issue but add a bunch of new stuff into it.
Enjoy summer and we hope that Voices of Wynn will make it even better for you.
– Voices of Wynn team.
New Quests
- The Breaking Point
Updated Quests
- Added most boss lines in Qira Hive (even Genesis has something now ????).
Reedited older quests
- Qira Hive
- Meaningful Holiday
- Rise of the Quartron
Retakes and recasts
- Replaced all Gale lines in Qira Hive.
- Recast Haily in Meaningful Holiday.
- Fixed a bug where some lootrun messages were not showing up when using Voices of Wynn
- Added some pre-quest, mid-quest and post-quest lines to Meaningful Holiday.
- Added some missing lines to Rise of the Quartron.
- Fixed two lines not playing in Purple and Blue.
- Fixed some Wedyf lines not playing in Bob's Lost Soul.
- Fixed a line not playing in Potion Making.
- Fixed two of Witherhead's lines not playing in Corrupted Decrepit Sewers.
- Add Cloth Config as a dependency.
The changes listed here represent the changes from the Voices of Wynn version 1.4.
This release contains the same amount of content as version 1.5 for Fabric (Minecraft version 1.19.4).
Check the commit messages on our GitHub for the complete and detailed list of changes.